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Giralt, S., Hernández, A., Pla-Rabes, S., Antoniades, D., Toro, M., Granados, I., Oliva, M., 2020. Holocene environmental changes inferred from Antarctic lake sediments. In: Oliva, M., Fernández, J.R. (eds), Past Antarctica: Paleoclimatology and Climate Change, pp. 51-66. Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-817925-3.00003-3.


Daners, G., Antoniades, D., 2019. Paleolimnología. In: Arocena, R., Conde, D. (eds), Métodos en ecología de aguas continentales: con ejemplos de limnología en Uruguay, pp. 203-218. DI.R.A.C. (División Relaciones y Actividades Culturales). Montevideo, Uruguay.


Antoniades, D., 2017. An overview of paleoenvironmental techniques for the reconstruction of past arctic ice shelf dynamics. In: Copland, L., Mueller, D.R. (eds), Arctic Ice Shelves and Ice Islands. Springer Polar Sciences, pp. 207-226. Springer. Dordrecht, Netherlands. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-1101-0_8.


Antoniades, D., Oliva, M., Giralt, S., Agrela, J., Granados, I., Pla-Rabes, S., Toro, M., Vieira, G., 2015. Deglaciación Holocena de la Peninsula Barton (Isla King George, Antártida Marítima). In: Gómez Ortiz, A., Salvador Franch, F., Oliva, M., Salvà Catarineu, M. (eds), Avances, métodos y técnicas en el estudio del periglaciarismo, pp. 47-54. Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.


Antoniades, D., 2013. Lake chemistry. In: Elias, S.A., Mock, C. (eds), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Sciences, pp. 292-299. Elsevier. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Oliva, M., Antoniades, D., Giralt, S., Granados, I., Toro, M., Pla-Rabes, S., Vieira, G., 2013. La deglaciación holocena de la península Byers (isla Livingston, Antártida Marítima) a partir de la datación de sedimentos lacustres. In: Baena, R., Fernández, J.J., Guerrero, I. (eds), El Cuaternario Ibérico: investigación en el siglo XXI, pp. 214-216. Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario. Sevilla, Spain.

Vincent, W.F., Laurion, I., Pienitz, R. & Walter Anthony, K.M., 2013. Climate Impacts on Arctic Lake Ecosystems. In: Goldman, C.R., Kumagai, M. & Robarts, R.D. (eds), Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies, pp. 27-42. Wiley-Blackwell.


Brown, T., Reimer, K., Sheldon, T., Bell, T., Bentley, S., Pienitz, R., Gosselin, M., Blais, M., Carpenter, M., Estrada, E., Richerol, T., Kahlmeyer, E., Luque, S., Sjare, B., Fisk, A., Iverson, S., 2012. A first look at Nunatsiavut Kangidualuk (‘fjord’) ecosystems. In: Allard, M., Lemay, M. (eds), Nunavik and Nunatsiavut: From science to policy. An Integrated Regional Impact Study (IRIS) of climate change and modernization. pp. 271-301. ArcticNet Inc. Québec, Québec, Canada.

Vincent, W.F., Martin, D., Pienitz, R., Laurion, I., Muir, D., Young, K.L., Bégin, Y., 2012. Freshwater resources in a changing environment. In: Allard, M., Lemay, M. (eds), Nunavik and Nunatsiavut: From science to policy. An Integrated Regional Impact Study (IRIS) of climate change and modernization, pp. 137-155. ArcticNet Inc. Québec, Québec, Canada.


Prowse, T., Alfredsen, K., Beltaos, S., Bonsal, B., Duguay, C.R., Korhola, A., McNamara, J., Vincent, W.F., Vuglinsky, V., Weyhenmeyer, G., Walter Anthony, K., Bowden, B., Buzin, V., Dibike, Y., Gantner, N., Hinzman, L., Lia, L., Ouarda, T.B.M.J., Pienitz, R., Reist, J.D., Stickler, M., Weckström, J., Wrona, F., 2011. Changing Lake and River Ice Regimes: Trends, Effects and Implications. In: Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA): Climate Change and the Cryosphere. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), pp. 6-1 – 6-52. Oslo, Norway.


Lotter, A.F., Pienitz, R., Schmidt, R. 2010. Diatoms as indicators of environmental change in subarctic and alpine regions. In: Smol, J.P., Stoermer, E.F. (eds), The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences, pp. 231-248. Cambridge University Press, U.K.


Pienitz, R., Doran, P.T., Lamoureux, S. 2008. Origin and geomorphology of lakes in the polar regions. In: Vincent, W.F., Laybourn-Parry, J. (eds), Polar lakes and rivers – Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic aquatic ecosystems, pp. 25-41. Oxford University Press, London.


Saulnier-Talbot, É., Pienitz, R. 2007. Contexte paléogéographique et paléoclimatique postglaciaire dans la région sud du détroit d’Hudson. In: Gendron, D. et al. (eds), Des Tuniit aux Inuits: Patrimoines archéologique et historique au Nunavik. Bilan de recherches. Chapitre 11, pp. 185-197. Les Cahiers d’Archéologie du CÉLAT et l’Institut culturel Avataq, Québec et Montréal.

Vincent, W.F., Rautio, M., Pienitz, R. 2007. Climate control of biological UV exposure in polar and alpine aquatic ecosystems. In: Ørbæk, J.B., Kallenborn, R., Tombre, I., Hegseth, E.N., Falk-Petersen, S., Hoel, A.H. (eds), Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment, pp. 227-249. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.


Quesada, A., Vincent, W.F., Kaup, E., Hobbie, J.E., Laurion, I., Pienitz, R., Lopez-Martinez, J., Duran, J.-J. 2006. Landscape control of high latitude lakes in a changing climate. In: Bergstrom, D.M., Convey, P., Huiskes, A.H.L. (eds), Trends in Antarctic Terrestrial and Limnetic Ecosystems: Antarctica as a Global Indicator, pp. 221-252. Springer, Dordrecht.


Wrona, F.J., Prowse, T.D., Reist, J.D., Beamish, R., Gibson, J.J., Hobbie, J., Jeppesen, E., King, J., Koeck, G., Korhola, A., Lévesque, L., Macdonald, R., Power, M., Skvortsov, V., Vincent, W., Clark, R., Dempson, B., Lean, D., Lehtonen, H., Perin, S., Pienitz, R., Rautio, M., Smol, J.P., Tallman, R., Zhulidov, A. 2005. Freshwater ecosystems and fisheries. In: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), chapter 8. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 354-452, ill., maps.


Douglas, M.S.V., Hamilton, P., Pienitz, R., Smol, J.P. 2004. Algal indicators of environmental change in arctic and antarctic lakes and ponds. In: Pienitz, R., Douglas, M.S.V., Smol, J.P. (eds), Long-Term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes, pp. 117-157. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research (DPER) Series, vol. 8. Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht/Berlin/Heidelberg/New York.

Pienitz, R., Douglas, M.S.V., Smol, J.P. 2004. Paleolimnological research in polar regions: An introduction. In: Pienitz, R., Douglas, M.S.V., Smol, J.P. (eds), Long-Term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes, pp. 1-17. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research (DPER) Series, vol. 8. Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht/Berlin/Heidelberg/ New York.

Pienitz, R., Douglas, M.S.V., Smol, J.P. 2004. Epilogue: Paleolimnological research from arctic and Antarctic regions. In: Pienitz, R., Douglas, M.S.V., Smol, J.P. (eds), Long-Term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes, pp. 509-511. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research (DPER) Series, vol. 8. Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht/Berlin/Heidelberg/ New York.


Leavitt, P.R., Hodgson, D.A., Pienitz, R. 2003. Past UV radiation environments and impacts on lakes. In: Helbling, E.W., Zagarese, H. (eds), UV Effects in Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems. Comprehensive Series in Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, vol. 1, pp. 509-545. Royal Society of Chemistry Publishers, Cambridge.

Pienitz, R., Vincent, W.F. 2003. Generic approaches towards water quality monitoring based on paleolimnology. In: Kumagai, M., Vincent, W.F. (eds), Freshwater Management- Global versus Local Perspectives, pp. 61-83. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo/Heidelberg/New York.


Pienitz, R. 2001. Techniques de Reconstitution du Développement des Tourbières: Analyse des Diatomées. In: Payette, S., Rochefort, L. (eds), Écologie des Tourbières du Québec-Labrador, pp. 311-326. Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec.


Lotter, A.F., Pienitz, R., Schmidt, R. 1999. Diatoms as Indicators of Environmental Change near Arctic and Alpine Treeline. In: Stoermer, E.F., Smol, J.P. (eds), The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences, pp. 205-226. Cambridge University Press.